Thursday, November 5, 2009

Sleep Disturbances/Sleep Apnea

You may not think that snoring or sleep apnea have much to do with dentistry, but they do! If you suffer from a sleep disturbance, you probably feel groggy, irritable, forgetful, and may even fall asleep at inappropriate times during the day. Quality of life and job performance can take a hit when you don’t get the refreshing, uninterrupted, deep sleep you need. If you snore, your sleeping partner probably suffers, as well.

Snoring occurs when soft tissues in the throat vibrate. Sleep apnea is more serious, and it’s often accompanied by snoring. There are two types of sleep apnea, the most common being obstructive sleep apnea or OSA. During sleep, sleep apnea sufferers stop breathing for periods of ten seconds or longer, repeatedly. This happens when soft tissues in the mouth and/or throat block airflow. Because the brain knows that you aren’t breathing, it causes your body to awake, partly or fully, to reinitiate breathing. This self-defense reaction interrupts sleep, and thus, even if you think you’ve slept all night, you may feel unrested.

Soft tissues collapse when the lower jaw falls backward a bit. This is where sleep dentistry comes into play.Goma dental can create a nightguard, an oral appliance, to hold your jaw in a comfortable position and eliminate potential for airflow blockage while you sleep. No surgery, no CPAP. Just a simple snore appliance may solve your problem! Don’t let a sleep disturbance disorder compromise your quality of life.

Call Dr. Goma today to reserve your personal sleep apnea consultation. Our state-of-the-art dental office is located in Shimla, and we serve patients with genuine compassion and excellent clinical care. We’re changing the way people go to the dentist!

1 comment:

SleepDentist said...

Sleep apnea is not easily detected. But there are some signs to make it easier to find out if one suffers from this disease and the next step is the treatment recommended. Seeing a sleep dentist is just one of the solutions.